Faculty Profiles
Zhang, Yu
Professor of Strategy, CEIBS
Programme Co-Director of CEIBS Venture Capital Camp
Dr. Zhang Yu is Professor of Strategy at CEIBS. Dr. Zhang received his PhD in Management from INSEAD. Prior to joining CEIBS, he was Assistant Professor of Strategy at the Paul Merage School of Business, UC Irvine. His teaching interests include Strategic Management, Industry and Competitive Analysis, Innovation and Competition, and Strategic Renewal and Transformation.
Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on the interaction between strategy and capital markets. His research has been published in top journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science and Strategic Management Journal. He has been invited to present his research in leading business schools in Asia, Europe and North America, and to give keynote speech on leading industrial conferences such as the NACD Spring Forum.
Dr. Zhang has won Research Excellence Award from CEIBS, Celebration of Teaching Dean’s Honoree Award from UC Irvine, Best Symposium Award from the Academy of Management, and Best PhD Student Paper Award from Strategic Management Society. His research on the role of corporate governance in regulating the impact of earnings pressure on firm strategy won the inaugural BlackRock/NACD Global Challenge for Innovation in Corporate Governance in 2013.
- 2008, Ph.D. in Management, INSEAD
- 2005, M.Sc., in Management, INSEAD
- 2002, M.Sc., in Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 1999, B.A., in Economics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Interaction between Strategy and Capital Markets
- Competitive Strategy
- Corporate Governance
- Strategic Management
- Industry and Competitive Analysis
- Innovation and Competition
- Strategic Renewal and Transformation
- Research Excellence Award, CEIBS
- Celebration of Teaching Dean’s Honoree Award, UC Irvine
- Best Symposium Award, Academy of Management
- Best PhD Student Paper Award, Strategic Management Society
Glue or Gasoline? The Role of Inter-organizational Linkages in the Occurrence and Spillover of Competitive Wars (Guo, Wei & Zhang, Yu) , Academy of Management Journal, 65: 304-330.
• Featured in Academy of Management Insights “Strategic Allies Can Be Frenemies in Price Wars” May 27, 2021
• Featured in INSEAD Knowledge “The “Frenemy” Effect: When Strategic Alliances Go South” May 11, 2021, 2022
Activist Hedge Fund Success: The Role of Reputation (Wiersema, M., Ahn, A., & Zhang, Y.) , Strategic Management Journal. Forthcoming., 2020
Do Firms Learn More from Small or Big Successes and Failures? (Gong, Yan & Zhang, Yu) , Journal of Management, 45(3), pp. 1034–1056, 2019
Commitment to Marketing Spending under Pressures from Analysts’ Earnings Expectations: Does it lead to Higher Stock Market Performance? (Currim, I., Lim, J., Zhang, Y. ) , Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 46(3), pp.431-452, 2018
Stock Return or Sales Growth? Multiple Performance Feedback and Strategic Investments under Securities Analysts’ Earnings Pressure (Gong, Yan & Zhang, Yu) , Journal of Management Studies, 55: 1356-1385, 2018
Is R&D Risky? (Bromiley, P., Rau, D., Zhang, Y.) , Strategic Management Journal, 38(4), 876-891, 2017
Earnings Pressure and Long-Term Corporate Governance: Can Long-Term-Oriented Investors and Managers Reduce the Quarterly Earnings Obsession? (Zhang, Y., Gimeno, J.) , Organization Science, 27(2), 354–372, 2016
Earnings Pressure and Competitive Behaviour: Evidence from the US Electricity Industry (Zhang, Y., Gimeno, J.) , Academy of Management Journal, 53(4), 743-768, 2010
2022-08-15 Glue or gasoline? Do inter-company links fan the flames of hyper-competition?
2021-11-16 2021 CEIBS Faculty Awards
2020-04-30 Lessons for Leaders from the Pandemic: The Role of 5G Technology in the COVID-19 Era
2016-07-05 How the capital market affects firm strategy
2016-07-05 Mobile Payment Revolution: China vs US
2016-07-05 What’s next for China’s booming e-commerce industry?
2016-07-05 Going head to head with the big guys
2022-06-09 Meet China's Gen Z: Shaping the future of shopping
2021-11-04 Activist hedge fund success: Is there a new sheriff in the boardroom?
2021-08-12 Glue or gasoline? Do inter-company links fan the flames of hyper-competition?
2021-06-02 Strategic Allies Can Be Frenemies in Price Wars
2021-03-11 Tapping Generation Z becomes paramount for companies seeking growth
2017-04-14 United's Unfriendly Skies Outburst Spotlights Airlines' Risky Earnings Obsession