Employed after 3 months
Switched industry, function or both
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Resources for Students

The Career Development Centre (CDC) is dedicated to bridging companies with MBA graduates. We help students identify career interest and develop a career plan. We also facilitate various activities to enhance communication between companies and students. As an advisor to MBA participants, one of the CDC’s main responsibilities is to help students find their career instead of landing a job.

Self-assessment Test
Students are provided with leading global self-assessment tools that help them explore and identify their career interests. 

Career Counselling
Career counselling is offered to students on an individual basis. The CDC consultants provide personalised advice and help students identify strengths and weaknesses, develop career strategy and planning, as well as improve job-searching skills such as résumé composition and interview.

The CDC organises a variety of workshops: knowledge-based workshops help students have a better understanding of different industries and functions, while skill-based workshops help students improve their résumé writing and other job searching skills.

Mock Interviews and Role Plays
The CDC administers mock interviews and role plays to provide students with opportunities to practice and perfect their interview skills.

On-Campus Presentations
Each year a large number of companies come to the CEIBS campus to recruit students. The CDC facilitates on-campus presentations to provide students with opportunities to learn more about prospective employers.

Recruitment Fairs
In addition to on-campus presentations, the CDC also hosts recruitment fairs outside of Shanghai for students planning to work in other locations.

Intranet Job Postings 
The CDC posts jobs on the intranet to help students manage job opportunities. Job postings on the intranet can be searched by industry, function, and location.

Practicum Projects
The CDC provides abundant practicum opportunities for students. Practicum projects help students get valuable field experience and may generate job opportunities.